The concert in Roseville at The Palladium, August 2

"Many of you may have read my review of the Columbus show. This show
had several differences. The crowd looked to be about the same size here as
in Columbus, but the guys didn't go on until 12:15am. Because of the late
start, they only played an hour and a half. They cut Slapped and New York
Time from the playlist, but they did do Coming of Age (which I would have
traded for New York Time on the playlist in a second, but this is Detroit and
they love Ted and the Damn Yankees).

The opening act was a very good Detroit band, that has a new CD available
worldwide. The name of the band is Tiles. They sounded to me like Rush
meets Queensryche. These guys could all play. The drummer was AWESOME!
Check them out. My only complaint is they played past their time, causing
Night Ranger to go on late.

Night Ranger opened up with Neverland as usual. The guys sounded GREAT!
The volume was not as high as some other gigs (including the Columbus show)
and you could really hear EVERYTHING perfectly. In Columbus I was front
row center, right in front of Jack. This time I was front row, left of center,
just in front of Jeff Watson. Jeff is incredible. Plays perfectly and makes
it look effortless. His fingers don't even move as fast as his playing sounds.
It's amazing.

Nothing of note happened like it did at the Columbus show. I didn't talk to
the guys after the show. I was hoping to catch Kelly's attention to see if he
remembered me from the Columbus show when I messed him up during
Sentimental St. I even wore my Pantera t-shirt and Nascar hat again! I did
get a Jeff Watson guitar pick, but only because after the show a stage hand
found it on stage and handed it to me as I stood next to the stage.
But hey, a pick's a pick!

Great show. The guy's sounded great. Kelly and Jack's voices seem to
only get better with time. And the music, well, As Always It Remains
truely incredible."

- Steven Bee

Thanks for the great review, Steven!